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It`s Halloween Party and Pacman is invited there. But the Party is full of sudden tricks and he must challenge himself in the dangero
 » Home » Games » Adventure & RPG » PacDoom III: Halloween Party 1.0 FREE DOWNLOAD
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It`s Halloween Party and Pacman is invited there. But the Party is full of sudden tricks and he must challenge himself in the dangerous fight with all his fears.

Creepy Hands, Ghosts, vampires, Skulls, Jack-O-Lantern, Wicked Brain, Spiders - PacMan and you will meet all of them on your way through the Depths of the Forest, Shadowland, Ancient Castles, Caves. An exciting strategic game for fun and pleasure.

It combines the elements of arcade and quest games. Destroy the evil monsters and do not let the Dark Side win the party! Are you ready to overcome your fear and start on your adventure?

In registered version you obtain:
* arcade game with strategic and adventurous elements
* 20 standard levels in the full version
* you can create your own levels with Editor
* Halloween fun and tricks with the legendary heroes
* various strategies could be used to complete levels
* best results are saved on hard disk, and take part in
the top players contest on the Web
* free technical support by e-mail
* upgrade to new versions is free for registered users
* no nag screens disturbing you during the game

For best performance you will need a Pentium-200 PC running 32-bit
Windows (95,98,ME,2000 or better). Other requirements: 64Mb RAM, 4Mb video card, DirectX 6.0 or later. Sound card is highly advised.
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